「在各行各業裡,公司明顯地都被特定的競爭節奏制約――忘了他們 的使命――那就是要與同業做明顯的區隔。結果,他們愈是競爭,差 異化就愈低。產品之間的競爭不再;在消費者的心中,它們互相傾靠 撞成一堆。」
“In category after category, companies have gotten so locked into a particular cadence of competition that they appear to have – lost sight of their mandate – which is to create meaningful grooves of separation from one another. Consequently, the harder they compete, the less differentiated they become. Products are no longer competing against each other; they are collapsing into each other in the minds of anyone who consumes them.”
―哈佛商學院教授揚米.穆恩(Youngme Moon),《大師輕鬆讀》No. 443 謙卑野心家
企業明顯地將眼光放在競爭者之上,彼此在狹窄的路上互相衝撞爭鬥 ,卻往往忘了將消費者放在第一優先,其實,寬廣的藍海就在那兒, 只是殺紅眼的企業沒有看到。
“In category after category, companies have gotten so locked into a particular cadence of competition that they appear to have – lost sight of their mandate – which is to create meaningful grooves of separation from one another. Consequently, the harder they compete, the less differentiated they become. Products are no longer competing against each other; they are collapsing into each other in the minds of anyone who consumes them.”
―哈佛商學院教授揚米.穆恩(Youngme Moon),《大師輕鬆讀》No. 443 謙卑野心家