「不論經濟狀況如何,一定都有那麼一群人會拿錢出來購買產品或服 務,讓他們的生活更便利、財富更確保、工作更有保障。只要把你的 產品置入他們在心裡對自己訴說的故事,就永遠都不怕沒人馬上答應 跟你買東西。」
“There is always a crowd of people in any economy who will find the money to buy a product or service that makes their lives easier, their riches more sure, or their jobs secure. Pitch your product to the story they tell themselves in their minds and you’ll never have a lack of buyers who will say yes right now.”
-拉卡尼(Dave Lakhani),《大師輕鬆讀》No. 344 歹時機的9大熱銷戰略
景氣不佳只是二流業務員的藉口,任何經濟體都會有一群人願意花錢 消費讓生活過得更好,一流業務員能夠緊抓住每一個機會,讓客戶動 心,接受他們傳述的故事。你,是個善於說故事的人嗎?
“There is always a crowd of people in any economy who will find the money to buy a product or service that makes their lives easier, their riches more sure, or their jobs secure. Pitch your product to the story they tell themselves in their minds and you’ll never have a lack of buyers who will say yes right now.”
-拉卡尼(Dave Lakhani),《大師輕鬆讀》No. 344 歹時機的9大熱銷戰略